
SPP 011 | How to Make Money Teaching Online, with Dani Babb

Dani Babb is the first-ever book on becoming an online professor, “Make Money Teaching Online: How to Land Your First Academic Job, Build Credibility, and Earn a Six-Figure Salary.” She works with Deans and Human Resources to send adjunct, part-time and full-time online teaching job leads to clinets.

Dani wants instructors to consider themselves as consultants and their teaching gigs as clients. She says that if you look at your online teaching jobs as a career or a business as an entrepreneur, and your goal is to satisfy your clients (which means satisfying theirs – your students), then it becomes easier to diversify your workload and make sure you don’t face extreme uncertainty in your income stream.You can use technology to help you manage the demands.

She dubs this term an Adjunctpreneur. It means changing your mindset, and beginning to look at your career in online teaching as a business with multiple online teaching jobs. This doesn’t mean sacrificing quality – but not being completely dependent on one school for your sources of revenue. Businesses cannot survive on one client (without a lot of luck and exclusivity) and neither can online professors (without a lot of luck, or tenure).

The Babb Group

The Optimum Teaching Class Load

How to Become an Online Professor

Babb Academy

How to Create a Personal Academic Website in 10 Minutes

In episode 011, you’ll hear

  • Why teaching online can pay up to 3x as much as norma university instruction
  • How to beat out hundreds of other applicants to getting an online teaching job
  • Easy ways to use social media tools to leverage your strengths and get hired
  • How academics can future-proof their career

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