
SPP 026 | Carol Moore’s Journey from Marine Biology Professor to University President

Dr. Carol Moore has had quite a journey over her career. She spent five years teaching at a high school, taught at a community college, and earned a doctorate in marine biology.

Then she jumped to administration and things really got interesting. In 1992, she became provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs at Mercy College (NY). In 1998, she became president of Lyndon State College, a position she held for 13 years. She is now interim president for Burlington College in Vermont.

She is doing all sorts of things to innovate higher education — from auditing course curricula to make sure degrees will really land students a job to partnering with online education groups such as Oplerno.

In episode 026 you will learn

  • How to make a horizontal career move from professor to department chair to provost to president
  • How to build a professional network to pursue the kind of job that you really want
  • The coming “communiversity” revolution

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